Purchasing Policy statement_ang_issue 1
The purpose of this purchasing policy is to establish clear guidelines and procedures for the procurement of goods and services. This ensures that our organization operates efficiently, ethically, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
This policy applies to all employees involved in the purchasing process and covers all acquisitions made on behalf of the organization.
Policy Guidelines
1. Transparency and Fairness
All purchasing decisions must be made based on transparency and fairness, ensuring equal opportunity for all suppliers.
2. Supplier selection
Suppliers will be evaluated based on criteria such as quality, cost, reliability, and compliance with ethical and environmental standards.
3. Compliance with Regulations
All purchases must comply with local, national, and international laws and regulations, including trade sanctions and embargoes.
4. Sustainability
We are committed to sustainable purchasing practices that consider the environmental impact of our procurement decisions.
5. Conflict of Interest
Employees must avoid any situation that could create a conflict of interest. Any potential conflicts must be disclosed to management.
6. Record Keeping
Accurate records of all purchasing activities must be maintained for accountability and auditing purposes.
7. Approval Process
All purchases must follow the established approval process based on the value and nature of the procurement.
Review and Amendments
This policy will be reviewed annually and may be amended as necessary to reflect changes in regulations, business needs, or ethical standards.
Grosuplje, October 2024; Issue 1